
Aug 29, 2018

Fall Happy Birthday card

Colleen here from Scrappin Granny sharing a fun fall card with you.

I started by using Distress Oxide inks on cardstock.  I used the following inks:  Iced Spruce, Wild Honey Spiced Marmalade and Peeled Paint and once that was dry I added some Perfect Pearls, Cappuccino by Ranger on top of the inked cardstock.

Once everything was dry I added the African Border die by Amy Design to the top of the card.

Next I used a scrap of cardstock and used  Wild Honey Spiced Marmalade and Peeled Paint and once it was dry I cut out some leaves using dies from Cheery Lynn.

I cut out a button using the Buttons 3 dies by Cheery Lynn.  I glued a twine bow on top of the button.

Finally, I use the Small Dragonfly die by Cheery Lynn.  

My final item is a piece of burlap on top of the cardstock and then started adding everything to the  the card.

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  1. Oh Colleen what a beautiful design! I just love it! Thanks for sharing such wonderful inspiration ... very creative!


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