
Aug 30, 2018

A Nautical Hello

Hello DRU fans! This is America and I'm back twith a fun Nautical Framed Hello.
D R U Products used...
Amy Design - Dies - Maritime - Nautical Frame 

Sue Wilson Designs - Noble Collection  - Squared Squares

Sue Wilson - Diagonals Labyrinth
Sue Wilson Designs - Diagonals Collection - Labyrinth

Suew WIlson - Min Expressions - Hello
Sue Wilson Designs - Mini Expressions - Hello & Hi
Create your base with the largest die from the Squared Squares Die Set.

This  card was actually simple to make once the idea came-together.  The focus was on stack-layering all the diecuts for depth and dimension.

I wanted a net background but did not have a netting die on hand, so I created my own netting background using the diagonal cutting die. It was cut side by side several times until I could cut-out a large enough piece to cover the back of the nautical frame for the look. 

I hope to have inspired you and that you'll give these fab cutting dies a try!
For more inspiration, please stop by the Dies R Us Challenge Blog.  There's a new challenge theme offered on the 1st and 15th of each month and one lucky randomly drawn winner will receive a gift voucher prize to the Dies R Us StoreFor your convenience, all the important Dies R Us links are provided below.
Come check these out! Click below for:


  1. Stunning America and the royal blue really POPS! Great thinking on the background mesh! Thanks for awesome inspiration.

  2. Fabulous card! The color contrast is amazing!

  3. Love that bright blue, very pretty card.


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