
Dec 7, 2020

Under 10 Minutes Challenge Card

Hi everyone today I am here showing how  you can create a card in under 10 minutes.  My friend who doesn't craft challenged me to create a simple yet elegant card that someone with no experience could do.  She often wants to craft but feels threatened by some of the intricate cards she sees.  So i wanted to show her you can start out small and grow into so much more. So here is my elegant card for the holidays.  I used dies from Memory Box from Dies R Us "Joyeux Noel"  I layered the card using plain white cardstock and then I layered it against some glitter cardstock in a teal color. 

I then took a piece of red glitter paper and fussy cut the pigeons to bring out more of the red in the background paper.
Here is my finished card perfect for the holidays.  We made ten cards or wait she made 10 cards in 30 minutes and I believe we have a new Dies R Us fan in the making!  So it can be easy just give it a whirl.  I challenge all the DRU fans to see what they can come up with!

 Don't forget to come join in the fun at the Dies R Us Challenge Blog. There's a new challenge theme offered on the 1st and 15th of each month and one lucky randomly drawn winner will receive a gift voucher prize to the Dies R Us Store. For your convenience, all the important Dies R Us links are provided below.*logo%2Bcollage.pages.jpg

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