
Jan 10, 2018

With Sympathy

Colleen from Scrappin Granny with a Sympathy card.  It seems like lately I have had to use many  sympathy cards so my supply has been depleted.  This card went together so fast and was fun to make.

Products used:

I cut out the Flower 1 and 4 and layered them on top of each other.  To finish I just added the vine and stems and made a little bow and the card is done.

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  1. Simply beautiful! I do love those flowers!!!

  2. What a fabulous creation Colleen ... love those flowers and of course the color!!

  3. beautiful card, love the colors too!


  4. For me, these are the hardest cards to make. Your card is beautiful and elegant.

  5. Those flowers are AMAZING! They're going on my wish list! FAB card!


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