
Dec 29, 2017

Take the Moment

Hello to you all
Doreen here with another share

As always, I decided what I wanted to use for my card

I cut all the pieces and clear embossed my sentiment using Adirondak ink Latte.
I cut extra petals out of the designer paper and stuck them into the flower

I added pearls to my butterflies and stuck some petals down to look as 
if they were falling

The dies used

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  1. Great pocket design, that flower is so sweet!

  2. Loving all of the details and the flower is marvelous!

  3. Absolutely beautiful Doreen! Thanks for inspiration using these dies!

  4. Doreen, this is so soft and stunning! Truly a masterpiece of elegance!!

  5. love the white on white with just a little pop of color!



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