
Dec 2, 2017

"Best Wishes" from Dies R Us using lots of Dies

Hi Bev here today. How are you today. This DT project for Dies R Us showcases a birthday card made using lots of die cuts... some single and some matted for pop of colour and depth with texture too. The papers are from the Graphic 45 Raining Cats and Dogs collection.... the colours were perfect.

Supply List:
Machine/ tools: Big Shot Express, misti
Paper: Blue Fern Studio Home Spun
Stamp: Sheep Ski Design
Markers: Copics
Die: Memory Box 30044
Other: Beacon glue, cardstock, ribbon, brads

So to create this card I started with digi image that I die cut to form my tag

I then copic coloured image and punched the tag.

I love using lots of layers in cardstock and added colour, texture and depth to a project.

I die cut the accent pieces in cardstock all matching. I added tied ribbons to the tag.

I then arranged all the pieces to fit. The musical notes were a bit wide so I trimmed it to fit.

Lots of fun layers, colours and amazing die cut accents. It's perfect.

A close up view of the finished card.


Don't forget to come join in the fun at the Dies R Us Challenge Blog.  There's a new challenge theme offered on the 1st and 15th of each month and one lucky randomly drawn winner will receive a gift voucher prize to the Dies R Us Store.  For your convenience, all the important Dies R Us links are provided below.
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Thanks for visiting... hope to see you again soon, Have a great day.


  1. Beautiful card creation Bev and awesome use of dies! I never think to use my tags as a focus on my cards ... thanks for wonderful inspiration!

  2. That sweet bird image is really framed by these die cuts. I absolutely love tags on card.

  3. Super cute card, I LOVE that sweet little bird. Great use of those dies!!! This card makes me smile!

  4. Oooh I love birds on cards, I love tags, I love tags on cards! This is a beautiful creation, fabulous image and perfect die choices!

  5. What a lovely card Bev! The bird image is just darling!!!

  6. so pretty, love the music staff and the bird together!



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