
May 20, 2017

You Are Out Of This World

Hi crafty friends!
Stacey back with you today to share a card that I created using some fabulous dies that can be found in the Dies R Us Store

I have been seeing a lot of Galaxy type backgrounds lately and I thought it would be fun to give it a try and create a card with this technique. 

I started out by gathering all my distress inks that I wanted to use.

The colors of distress inks that I used were: Mustard Seed, Worn Lipstick, Wilted Violet, Mermaid lagoon, Blueprint Sketch and Black Soot. 

Next I stamped my images from the Lawn Fawn Out Of This World stamp set and colored them in with my Copic markers. Please forgive the dark pictures, it was night when I was creating this card.

Next up, I used the coordinating Lawn Fawn Out Of This World dies to cut out my stamped images.

They line up perfectly!

Here is a look at my finished card:

To create my moon, I free hand cut a domed shape and used a hole punch to cut out some "craters". I placed some cardstock behind the moon a little bit darker so that the holes had some dimension. I popped up my astronaut and planets with some foam tape and added a bit of shimmer to my vellum for just a bit of sparkle. 

Here is a look at the Dies R US products that I used on my card today:


Don't forget to come join in the fun at the Dies R Us Challenge Blog.  There's a new challenge theme offered on the 1st and 15th of each month and one lucky randomly drawn winner will receive a gift voucher prize to the Dies R Us Store.  For your convenience, all the important Dies R Us links are provided below.   
click below for:

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
I hope you have a great crafty day!


  1. What a perfect background. Very cute card!

  2. this is super cute! Great job on the background fur sure!

  3. Oh Stacey this is so cute and awesome background! Sure to bring a smile!

  4. Fabulous, Stacey! Your background looks amazing. Worn Lipstick and Mermaid Lagoon are two of my favorite Distress Inks.

  5. Wonderful card that brings beck so many memories of that first time to the moon! I remember it like it was yesterday.

  6. Adorable! Thanks for the step by step of creating the background.

  7. How did I miss this card? love it! great galaxy background!



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