
Dec 11, 2015

A baby for Christmas . . .

. . . what a beautiful gift!!!

Hello Everyone!
Darlene with you today!
WOW!  Time is flying and I have SO MUCH to get done before Christmas morning!
How about you?  Are you ready yet?  LOL

I just learned that a new baby is expected anytime now for someone I know (from a distance) and thought it would be nice to surprise him & his wife with a cute card of congratulations.  So, here's what I came up with.

They don't know if they're having a boy or a girl so I stayed with a generic color palette.

The dies I used today are:
Spellbinder Shapeabilities 'Playtime' (S4-261)
Frantic Stamper 'Baby Elephant' (FRA9684)
Memory Box 'Baby Bottles' (98867)

The small baby bottle was popped up and I added Diamond Stickles inside a few of the hearts for added sparkle.  My background paper is from Crafty Secrets and the lace tape is Jambo (J&Bobbin).  Easy peasy but adorable I think!

Be sure to pop over to the Dies R Us store and check out all the fabulous dies available.  New companies & dies added all the time!  You'll also want to be sure and sign up for our Newsletter so you don't miss out on the amazing end of year sales going on right now.

Don't forget to come join in the Dies R Us Challenges.  A new themed challenge is offered on the 1st and 15th of each month.  YOU could be the next winner of a Dies R Us store voucher!  So whatcha waiting for??

Till next time . . .

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