
Jul 28, 2015

Red, White & Black ...

Happy Tuesday Everyone
and welcome back to the Dies R Us Inspiration Blog!
I do hope you've taken the opportunity to pop in frequently for your die cutting inspiration.  
The other ladies and I try to give you a wide variety of inspiration and hope you find something that fits YOUR style of crafting!

Today I (Darlene) have a fun birthday card to share which utilized the 'negative' portion of a die cut I recently used on another card.  Let me show you what I'm referring to ...

 The dies I have used are as follows:
Spellbinder Nestabilities Class Oval 
(I've used the original OLDER set)...
but you could also use the newer 
Spellbinder Nestabilities 'Floral Oval'  #S4-356 
(not currently available)

It is the 'Loveland Corner' die I'm referring to in regards to using the 'negative' portion.  Earlier in the month I die cut this die in RED and in WHITE and had both those panels laying on the crafting table.  On my earlier creation I decided to use the RED (positive) die cut which left me with the 'negative' panel and both the positive & negative panel of the white.

 By simply matting my red panel onto a black mat 
then 'INLAYING' the white positive die cut,
THIS was the result and I love how it looks!  How about you?

I also utilized the small flowers/stars that popped out of my 
Spellbinder sentiment panel by just gluing them here and there through out the body of the card. And of course, the white hearts that popped out of my corner die were used on the INSIDE for a finishing touch!  (You know how it is ... we crafters don't like to waste anything!  LOL)
No?  Well, you owe it to yourself to pop over there right now and check them out!!

Don't forget about our Challenge Blog!
New challenges posted on the 1st and 15th of each month!
YOU could be our next winner of a Dies R Us Store Voucher!!

Thanks for stopping by ... till next time ...


  1. The challenge blog encouraged us to come to the inspirational blog and leave a comment. I feel badly because I should have done it without being prompted. You always leave such nice comments for me, and I have admired your cards here and at Cardabilities. I often go to your blog and read about how you created your cards. I love this design, The corner die and the red and black are fabulous and using the negative stars adds a special touch.

  2. Wow! I love how the Loveland Corner pops, and all those little stars which you popped out of the Floral Oval and scattered about are so sweet! What a brilliant design, Darlene!


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